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Pain Meds and Scans

posting this from the iPhone so forgive the errors.  Two nights ago, lori had a fever and pain spike.  With only 20k platelets, her immune system was way off, so we went to the ER.  She was checked in quickly and they gave her some dilauded for the pain.  Over the next hour, her right leg and knee got worse; rated the leg pain at 9.  The dr ordered antibiotics to fight infection, and fortunately by the time the IV arrived, her fever was already down.  After the antibiotic infusion, we were given the option of staying or being discharged.  Lori wanted to go home, so we did.  Since then, she’s been on a steady schedule of taking morphine, dilauded, OxyContin, and ibuprofen.  Of corse, that brings back the loopiness, although she’s not too out of it.  She can’t drive now though, and she can’t be left alone until she can scale back.

My parents came last week to help out and now lori’s mom is here to help this week.  Next week, I’m on leave so we’re good to go during that time.

Today, Lori had full body scans done as well as a blood draw for another platelet check.  We don’t have those results in yet.  At the ER, her platelets were at 19k.

The Wilderness

I’ve gotten my first request to write about a topic!  After reading the “God Within Us” post, a friend from my past called to discuss a struggle of hers:

“I’m struggling with being very human. My mind doesn’t go with the things of God. It seems to go against God and I’m trying desperately to get Him to work within me and trying to make it all happen and I don’t know how to trust. It’s a point of frustration internally with where I am at with God.  But I can’t make Him work but I’ve got to WANT Him to work!” I’m willing to guess many others reading this post have been through the same thing, maybe more than once.

Matthew 14:28-29:

28“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

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Pain Increasing

Right now, Lori is between treatments as she is no longer taking the Olaparib drug but has not yet begun the Xeloda chemo. Two nights ago, she had quite a bit of pain in her back while lying in bed. During the day yesterday, she felt great and was able to move around and have a completely normal day. Unfortunately, last night she was kept awake again by very bad pain in her back and legs and shoulders. She rated it a 7 out of 10. We didn’t go to the ER, but we almost did. Continue reading

God Within! Peace and Strength Not My Own

I believe Jesus cares so much for us to try to protect us and guide us even when we don’t realize He is doing this!  I have seen this happen with people whom God is calling before those people have actually even made a decision to believe and trust in Him. It has happened to me!

Here’s what one of my favorite Bible characters, Paul, says about this subject in Ephesians 3: 14-20, “My response (Paul’s response to trouble or trials) is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you (he was talking about the Ephesians here) by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything; you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”
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Olaparib Fail

Well, we were all excited about the new drug. This was the first PARP inhibitor that she qualified for, but unfortunately we’ve already thrown it out (Not literally…each month’s supply costs $14K!). Over the past week, the spots on Lori’s head have increased in number. She found three new spots this week alone, and there have been a few spikes in pain as well. She saw Dr. S today, and he confirmed that it looks like Olaparib won’t work for her. So, he changed her back to a chemo: Xeloda. This one is pill form, so it’s nice she won’t have to sit in an infusion chair every week. The side effects are fairly tame as well. She should be able to keep her unbelievable streak alive of not losing her hair! Seriously, she might break some kind of record. I shaved my head in “solidarity” like a year and a half ago. She never lost her hair!

Lori’s Library

As Andy Dufresne got his library so WE GOT OUR MEDICINE!

This is Lori writing this update! I got a call last night (Thursday) from the pharmacy providing the Olaparib, and she said insurance approved the drug! It is being shipped directly to our house and will arrive Monday!

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New Treatment Option

The past few months have been awesome. We took a vacation to San Blas, FL and before that, Lori spent a week in D.C. touring with her dad. We just returned from IL where we spent a great Thanksgiving with Lori’s family in Springfield. That’s the man version of what you’ve missed for 3 months. Deal with it ladies.

Last month, Lori noticed a small bump forming on her skull about the size of a pimple. It didn’t hurt but it was strange and of course we thought it might be cancer-related. Recently, we noticed that it had grown in size. Also, she noticed two new nodules forming, one on each breast. Finally, her pain, particularly in her lower back, was increasing and waking her at times in the night. To us, those are all signs of disease progression, so I made an appointment to see Dr. Marinella in Dayton. We got in to see him that afternoon (last Tuesday).

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New Scans

I haven’t needed to update these care pages in nearly two months, and we’re happy about that! “No news is good news” still holds true. Yesterday, Lori had a brain MRI and body CT scans accomplished. The MRI results haven’t been read yet, but the CT scans came back showing improvement everywhere. Her liver is clearing up, and her chest is totally clear. The bones haven’t shown any progression of disease either. We expect to hear that her brain is clear as well! From the outside, her breast tumor is very small now. I don’t typically prefer small breasts but I have to admit I’m loving her new size. Wink.

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PET Scan Results

I forgot to post about the PET scan results from last week. We met with Dr. M, and there weren’t any surprises either positively or negatively. The problem is that we don’t have any previous PETs to compare this one to, so this is a new baseline.

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Lori’s 34th Birthday

We finally got all of the details together for Lori’s party.
It’s an open invitation to any/all who can attend on July 11th at
my parent’s house in Lafayette, IN. Lori’s cousin put together a
nice invitation. It has also been posted on Lori’s Facebook

Birthday Invite

It’s a whole weekend of events, but the main attraction is her
actual party on Saturday night, 11 July. The party begins at 5 PM
with games/drinks/appetizers/,…

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