We got the bone scan results back. Overall, it’s good news as far as we can tell. Without the biopsy results (they did not come in today) we still don’t know the specific type of cancer. The bone scan did confirm the spots on both femurs. They are also on the Humerus (both arms)…would that be humeri? They appear to by lytic, essentially meaning it is bone loss, not calcified pieces attached to the bone. The good news is that the loss is not severe and the Drs are comfortable discharging Lori tonight.
So we get to sleep in a bed at home with some good pain killers. It will be nice to hang out with the kids for an hour before bedtime, and it will be nice to not have a nurse interrupting her sleep with vitals tests. We’re happy overall with the progress, but we’re getting impatient for the biopsy results.
Pray for:
1. Biopsy results back quickly with favorable news. We need that report in order to have a meaningful appointment with the IU Indianapolis Dr.
2. Comfort for Lori.
3. Wisdom for us as we make tough decisions and have difficult conversations each day. Mornings have typically been filled with sporadic crying for both Lori and me. Afternoons are usually very good. Each day though, we awake to this new reality, and it’s hard.
And thanks for all of your comments and random texts through the day. Conversations are time-consuming and impractical, but the messages are an excellent source of encouragement for us. We haven’t responded to many, but we have read every blog and text message…and many of the facebook messages but not nearly all.
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